Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Feeling a bit lazy

So, my kids crawl everywhere! They are starting to move faster, they pull themselves up and walk along furniture.
Jei and I have to chase them down every five seconds! It's insane. At least they still take two naps a day.

I am starting to feel drained, as I am sure Jei is starting to feel that way too. I cannot believe how much more drained and unenergized you feel having kids.
I just sit around playing games while they are sleeping, I never take naps. That's probably a bad idea, but I know if I take a nap I will just want to sleep longer than the kids will let me and then I will be all grumpy.

At least they still sleep most of the night. To bed at around 7pm then up at 8am sometimes 10am, if we are lucky. People are always amazed by this, but if you get you kids on a schedule and keep it, it helps immensely!! I just asked the doctor and he advised me on the subject, I did as he said and have ever since. My twins sleep all night and take two naps a day. So, fortunately I get quite a few breaks!

It still wears you down, especially when they go crawling in opposite directions.

Until next time.

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