Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sites that pay to visit!

I am always trying to find ways to make some extra cash! I'm a stay-at-home mom so I can't keep relying on my boyfriend to fork over cash, that's for bills! I would rather get some one my own. Also as a mother I don't have a lot of time to spend on making a profit from home. I have to little rugrats to run after!!

So, why not generate a bit of income from paid to click sites? If you've hear of paid to click sites before then I am sure you are saying that they are a load of crap right now. Well I have decided to list the ones that I am using. I am actually making money on them too! Not a ton, mind you, but enough to stash away for a rainy day!

The first one I have come across that I actually like was
They are excellent in that you get a minimum of 10 ads per day, I have been getting about 15-18 ads per day. Also, they seem to throw on random ads to be clicked through out the day. You can click the ads once every 24 hours. On my first day (just four days ago!!!) I found out the you could "purchase referrals". I went ahead and purchased their 15 referrals pack. Plus, my mom joined under me just to help a bit. So with 16 referrals under me, off I clicked! In just four days, with my mom, and the 15 active referrals that I purchased, I have already accumulated $4.81 in my account, just about halfway to the $10 payout!! This is by clicking and getting one cent per click, I also get a whole cent for every one of my referrals clicks, as long as they are active and under me! They also have a ton of proof of payments in there forums. You can check them out here:

 Create your own banner at!

The only other site that I currently use is This site is very close in structure to Probably why I use it too! I actually just joined this one yesterday, so I don't have any referrals yet. icashout has the option to purchase referrals also, but instead of having a 15, 35, 100, and 500 choice of referrals, they only seem to have the 35, which costs about $45. I know a bit pricey. If you could recruit some friends and/or family to do a bit of clicking under you though, you make a bit more money here at .015 cents per your click and also you referrals! I have only clicked 12 ads and have 18 cents in my account now. Just imagine what you could do with some referrals under you!! They, like have a click once every 24 hour limit on their ads. They also have a $10 minimum payout and only 12 ads up currently. I do not know whether or not they have random ads during the day like does. I'll keep my eyes open for that! If you want to check this site out go ahead and click here:

Create your own banner at!

That's all the sites that I am using for now. I have heard of one that has a payout of a dollar, although I have heard it takes about a week to reach the payout, at least you reach it. I will do some research on it and as soon as I find anything out, I will post it!

Until next time!

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