Monday, March 05, 2007

Update on my "Paid Email" endeavors!

So anyone that reads this blog knows that I recently tried several "Paid Email" sites.
I am writing this now to let people know how it is going, so to speak.
Let's just say that I have time on my hands and not even I want to sit here and "read" emails all day long, just to make one penny. Literally, one penny!!
Oh sure, I've found one site that actually pays one cent per email or ad that you look at. I even continue using that site.
Let's face it, unless you stay at home ALL day long, everyday, this is definitely not for you.
Who honestly has the time to sit around staring at a computer screen 24/7? (Besides me, I mean) Anyone with a serious job, should stick with their job.
I am going to continue my "research" on "easy money" endeavors, though.
My next project is going to be setting up a blog and promoting it to make money, supposed you can "make money in your sleep"-direct quote from SOME website. *Shrug*
Who knows?!

I hope that these blog entries about "making money the EASY way" help those of you out there comtemplating using these methods!
My goal with all of this is to actually find a "FREE" way to make money at home. Meaning, you don't have to pay to join or buy some ridiculous "guide" to "get rich quick"!!
Considering, that I am going to be a mother of two, in about 2 months.... (My how time flies!)
I would love to find a way to make money from home, not only to benefit my family, have extra money, help pay bills, but also so I can effectively work AND take care of my children.

Just because we are women, we are not ment to stay at home! Many MOTHERS work these days. I, for one, would love to work. I, would also, love to be able to stay home with my children. I am just trying to find a way that actually let's myself and other mothers, feel that they are doing something useful, besides raising their wonderful families!!

BTW, if anyone wants to try the only "paid email" site that I actually use!
Here it is:

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