Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Nephew in the baby contest!

Please go here and register to vote for my nephew Darrian!!! You can vote on every picture posted once a day through November 17th!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help him win!!!

I really would appreciate anyone that maycome across this site in time to register and vote!!!
Thank you!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Feeling a bit lazy

So, my kids crawl everywhere! They are starting to move faster, they pull themselves up and walk along furniture.
Jei and I have to chase them down every five seconds! It's insane. At least they still take two naps a day.

I am starting to feel drained, as I am sure Jei is starting to feel that way too. I cannot believe how much more drained and unenergized you feel having kids.
I just sit around playing games while they are sleeping, I never take naps. That's probably a bad idea, but I know if I take a nap I will just want to sleep longer than the kids will let me and then I will be all grumpy.

At least they still sleep most of the night. To bed at around 7pm then up at 8am sometimes 10am, if we are lucky. People are always amazed by this, but if you get you kids on a schedule and keep it, it helps immensely!! I just asked the doctor and he advised me on the subject, I did as he said and have ever since. My twins sleep all night and take two naps a day. So, fortunately I get quite a few breaks!

It still wears you down, especially when they go crawling in opposite directions.

Until next time.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Some weird bug!

So I forgot to mention that my son got pretty sick a little bit ago! He had vomit and diarrhea going on. I know some of you are like omg, that's sick, but it's part of being a parent!
Anyways, a just in case, if your child gets diarrhea really bad and starts getting a rash that diaper rash cream just doesn't help at all. You should try the Aquaphor/ Maalox concoction!

I know that sounds really weird. What you do is buy some Aquaphor from any store like Walgreens, buy a cheap thing of Maalox, or an off brand Maalox type liquid antacid. Mix it together, take your time. Try to store it in a sealable container. When you use it, apply directly to the area effected by covering evenly with the mixture. This should handle a rash that diaper rash cream can't!

I, fortunately did not have to use this, but my sister had to use this on my nephew. He probably has more sensitive skin than my son. Bastien, didn't even get a rash. He vomited quite a bit, but not too much we couldn't handle it!

Well, I thought that I would post this little tid bit for any mother's having this issue!!

Until next time,


Ready to eat by MYSELF!

Okay, so both my little buggers are picking things up and eating them on their own!
Bastien doesn't like it at all when you try to feed him with a spoon. No walking yet, lots of crawling and pulling themselves up. They love it when I brush their little zooba zoobs, what I call teeth! lol

I was using the finger brush.

Now we've moved onto a toddler brush.

They really enjoy it and don't chew on it as much as I thought they would!
I sing a little song about "brushing our teeth" when I brush their teeth. I have found out that if I brush their teeth after they eat and right before bed, it will help them get used to not going to bed with a bottle, which I know is bad to do.

I can't wait until they are walking around and able to do so much more! I would love to go camping and stuff. Whoo!

I love the outdoors. Camping, hiking, even fishing!

I will be sooooo excited when I can do all of that again. Just this last summer we didn't do anything like that because the kids were so small and Jei and I were always freaking out about the kids. I am hoping this year will be a lot better and that we will actually be able to go camping, at the least! Oh!
We live rather close to Navoo also! I would love to take the kids horse back riding when they bacame old enough. There is just soooo much I want to do with them!
So many plans.

Like I would love to be able to take them to Disney Land, Disney World, Six Flags, and Worlds of Fun. I really would love to take the kids on a family vacation to Branson during the summer when they are old enough!

Honestly, there is just so much to do and see. I want to show my kids everything and just enjoy my time with them.
I don't understand how any one can hurt a child, I just want to do everything for mine!!

Well, I've blabbed enough for now!

Until next time.


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Oh, more stuff to try and make money!

So I joined this site called Yuwie! Just like myspace, but they pay you!! Mwahahahaahaaaa!!!

Anyways, sign up here!

Yuwie Yay!

It's free to join, nothing to lose, besides you get to blog, join clubs, and meet new people! Rock on!

Until next time!


Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sites that pay to visit!

I am always trying to find ways to make some extra cash! I'm a stay-at-home mom so I can't keep relying on my boyfriend to fork over cash, that's for bills! I would rather get some one my own. Also as a mother I don't have a lot of time to spend on making a profit from home. I have to little rugrats to run after!!

So, why not generate a bit of income from paid to click sites? If you've hear of paid to click sites before then I am sure you are saying that they are a load of crap right now. Well I have decided to list the ones that I am using. I am actually making money on them too! Not a ton, mind you, but enough to stash away for a rainy day!

The first one I have come across that I actually like was
They are excellent in that you get a minimum of 10 ads per day, I have been getting about 15-18 ads per day. Also, they seem to throw on random ads to be clicked through out the day. You can click the ads once every 24 hours. On my first day (just four days ago!!!) I found out the you could "purchase referrals". I went ahead and purchased their 15 referrals pack. Plus, my mom joined under me just to help a bit. So with 16 referrals under me, off I clicked! In just four days, with my mom, and the 15 active referrals that I purchased, I have already accumulated $4.81 in my account, just about halfway to the $10 payout!! This is by clicking and getting one cent per click, I also get a whole cent for every one of my referrals clicks, as long as they are active and under me! They also have a ton of proof of payments in there forums. You can check them out here:

 Create your own banner at!

The only other site that I currently use is This site is very close in structure to Probably why I use it too! I actually just joined this one yesterday, so I don't have any referrals yet. icashout has the option to purchase referrals also, but instead of having a 15, 35, 100, and 500 choice of referrals, they only seem to have the 35, which costs about $45. I know a bit pricey. If you could recruit some friends and/or family to do a bit of clicking under you though, you make a bit more money here at .015 cents per your click and also you referrals! I have only clicked 12 ads and have 18 cents in my account now. Just imagine what you could do with some referrals under you!! They, like have a click once every 24 hour limit on their ads. They also have a $10 minimum payout and only 12 ads up currently. I do not know whether or not they have random ads during the day like does. I'll keep my eyes open for that! If you want to check this site out go ahead and click here:

Create your own banner at!

That's all the sites that I am using for now. I have heard of one that has a payout of a dollar, although I have heard it takes about a week to reach the payout, at least you reach it. I will do some research on it and as soon as I find anything out, I will post it!

Until next time!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Too fast

I cannot believe how fast kids grow!! Everyone said it would be fast, but I wasn't ready for THIS fast!!
Bastien is already pulling himself up and trying to walk! Elora is starting to sit up by herself. In four months they will be one!! It's too fast, I swear.

On one hand I want to be able to do certain things with them that only toddlers and stuff can do, like swimming, can't wait for sledding and snowman building. I want my kids to stay little though! When you think about it, it's the only way that you can keep track of them and the way the world and people are going..... it's scary having kids now-a-days.

Also, My birthday was the 7th...I'm 23 now, woot....I guess? lol

I have also found a site that looks pretty promising as far as earning a bit o' extra cash for us mom's who can't really work!!! The link is posted on the right of my page, just click the Bux link. Or you can click the following.

Well, that's it for now! Try to update sooner next time!!